Sunday, November 21, 2010


To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.-

Aldous Huxley

To society, enticing young people to travel and see the world should be a priority. These are our future leaders, after all.

Youth are resilient, resourceful, and looking to leave home in order to build relationships with others like them. They can make perfect travelers. While we old fogies muddle along on our bus tours, admiring the scenery and appreciating the architecture and the foie gras, young folks are interacting with the culture, often by necessity, one more wrap of tape on that battered horn.

Without the wealth that brings isolation in a luxury hotel, they're living abroad communally in hostels and sleeping in trains. Along the way they're experiencing and debating the social controls and problem solving within a society having different politics and a different history; they're looking into the guts of an unfamiliar culture and acquiring a true and rounded education, skirting the perceived "dangers" by becoming fully informed through their social interactions.

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